User configurable graph of the captured network packets.
You can define up to five differently colored graphs.
The user can configure the following things:
Graph 1-5 enable the graph 1-5 (only graph 1 is enabled by default)
Color the color of the graph (cannot be changed)
Filter: a display filter for this graph (only the packets that pass this filter will be taken into account for that graph)
Style: the style of the graph (Line/Impulse/FBar)
X Axis
Tick interval an interval in x direction lasts (10/1/0.1/0.01/0.001 seconds)
Pixels per tick use 10/5/2/1 pixels per tick interval
Y Axis
Unit the unit for the y direction (Packets/Tick, Bytes/Tick, Advanced...)
Scale the scale for the y unit (10,20,50,100,200,500,...)
XXX - describe the Advanced feature.